quinta-feira, 31 de março de 2011
quarta-feira, 30 de março de 2011
Saint Patrick's Day (Irish: Lá Fhéile Pádraig) is a religious holiday celebrated internationally on 17 March. It commemorates Saint Patrick (c. AD 387–461), the most commonly recognised of the patron saints of Ireland, and the arrival of Christianity in Ireland.[2] It is observed by the Catholic Church, the Anglican Communion (especially the Church of Ireland),[3] the Eastern Orthodox Church and Lutheran Church. Saint Patrick's Day was made an official feast day in the early 17th century, and has gradually become a secular celebration of Irish culture in general.[4]
The day is generally characterised by the attendance of church services,[5][6]shamrocks),[7] and the lifting of Lenteneating and drinking alcohol,[8][9][10] which is often proscribed during the rest of the season.[11][12][13][14] wearing of green attire (especially restrictions on
Saint Patrick's Day is a public holiday in the Republic of Ireland,[15] Northern Ireland,[16]Newfoundland and Labrador and in Montserrat. It is also widely celebrated by the Irish diaspora, especially in places such as the Great Britain, Canada, the United States, Argentina, Australia, and New Zealand, among others .
sexta-feira, 25 de março de 2011
A Paixão por Carros Antigos
Por jansenbispo

Ferro-velho! Velharia! Banheira!
Estes são os primeiros nomes que vem à cabeça de muitos quando se fala em carro antigo. Talvez alguns se lembrem do primeiro carro, um fusquinha meio desajeitado, ou se lembre dos velhos tempos de infância ou ainda uma lembrança familiar.
Para outros porém a imagem que um carro antigo, ou clássicos, como gosto de chamar é algo duradouro, perpétuo e inabalável.
Eu, que nascido em meados dos anos 80, sempre gostei de carros mesmo sem conhecer profundamente o seu funcionamento. Quando pequeno era vidrado em alguns modelos da época como Gol GTI, Santana, Chevette e afins.
Mas uma paixão que tenho desde que me conheço por gente é o Maverick. Primeiro porque eu sou fã da Trilogia Mad Max (em breve um post sobre os filmes), e segundo porque eu pensava que o carro preto dirigido por Max era um Maverick. É claro que o tempo passou e eu logo descobri que minha fantasia de criança era uma verdadeira fraude. O carro na verdade é um Ford Falcon XB, muito parecido com o Maverick por sinal.
Mesmo tendo essa “desilusão” eu adquiri gosto por carros antigos, e a cada dia que passa aprendo a admirá-los e respeitá-los cada vez mais. Hoje não tenho mais aquela coisa de não gosto desse, não gosto daquele, esse é melhor e aquele é pior. Aprendi a respeitar a opinião e gosto do próximo.
Voltando ao Maverick, eu sempre achei que aquele carro era algo impossível de se conseguir. Sempre que via algum na rua ficava admirando até sumir de vista. Por várias vezes tentei convencer meu pai a trocar o carro por um Maverick. Em vão, é claro!
Finalmente em 2005, após muita procura consegui trocar meu Chevette 85 por um Ford Maverick LDO 1977. Meu sonho se torna realidade… e como sempre a realidade não é como os sonhos. Junto com o carro vieram também dezenas de coisas que com o tempo fui aprendendo como realmente funciona.

Graças à incrível comunidade que participo nos grupos do Yahoo e Google, pude adquirir um pouco de experiência e aos poucos ir dando passos na restauração do carro. Hoje, após mais de 2 anos de muita luta, ele ainda continua esperando o grande dia do retorno.
Mas você deve estar se perguntando o porquê de tudo isso, não é? Pois bem, o que eu realmente gostaria de ressaltar neste post não é como comprei meu carro ou como estou “trabalhando” nele. Mas sim mostrar a que ponto a união das pessoas, somado a paixões sem fim podem trazer um benefício incrível.
Para quem não conhece, todo último domingo do mês em Campinas no Galleria Shopping, acontece o Encontro Mensal do Clube V8 e CIA. É um grande evento familiar, onde além dos sócios, o público pode expor seus “clássicos” a vontade.
É incrível o nível de cuidado que muitos proprietários tem com seus veículos. Carros com 50, 60 anos em maravilho estado de conservação e limpeza. Para muitos não são apenas carros, são como membros da família, passados de geração à geração.
Neste meio, percebemos o quanto, nós brasileiros, somos apaixonados por carros. Sejam antigos ou novos, temos um grande afeto à essas máquinas.
Para muitos, incluindo eu é claro, ter um clássico é muito mais do quer teu automóvel fora de linha. É história, cultura, conhecimento, alegria e também tristeza. Mas acima de tudo, talvez seja a satisfação e os olhares admirados que nos recompensem. O fato de ser diferente, fazer a diferença acontecer é crucial. Isto me lembra um slogan da Apple: Tink Different.
Embora nossas vidas passem como o vento, o pouco que vivemos neste mundo devem ser bem aproveitados. Cada um à sua forma, com seus gostos e paixões, lutando, batalhando e nunca desistindo. Na conquista do meu sonho, com licença, eu vou de Maverick!

Rihanna says she does not take much more talk in the past
The singer Rihanna gave a bombastic statement on twitter: told fans to forget the confusion with Chris Brown. According to the website of the IG, Riri said he did not take much more talk about it. "It's a hassle! Nobody wants to relive it, but some people do not respect! "He declared. The diva also said he intends to leave it in the past. "Now when I look back, I see that it made me stronger. I do not want to be remembered for that," he said.
Chris Brown also decided to support his ex-girlfriend and posted on twitter a statement asking fans to leave comments on aggression. Ball now on!

Rihanna says she does not take much more talk in the past
The singer Rihanna gave a bombastic statement on twitter: told fans to forget the confusion with Chris Brown. According to the website of the IG, Riri said he did not take much more talk about it. "It's a hassle! Nobody wants to relive it, but some people do not respect! "He declared. The diva also said he intends to leave it in the past. "Now when I look back, I see that it made me stronger. I do not want to be remembered for that," he said.
Chris Brown also decided to support his ex-girlfriend and posted on twitter a statement asking fans to leave comments on aggression. Ball now on!
Simple past
The simple past verbs are used to indicate an action completed fully in the past or a habitual occurrence of actions in the past.
The helper used for negative and interrogative sentences is did.
Prayers in the simple past are usually accompanied by adverbs or adverbial phrases indicating time spent, as yesterday, last + adverb of time (last night, last month, last year) and expressions consist of + adverb of time ago (a year ago, a few hours ago, a month ago.) It can also appear after a few adverbs that function as indicators of the SIMPLE PRESENT (always, never, on weekends), but to indicate a normal occurrence in the past.
The simple past is also used after the expressions as if and as though the verb to wish. In these cases, if the past tense is to be, all persons should be used as Were (including 1. Nd and 3. Person singular).
Its structure is as follows:
• To claim: SUBJECT + verb infinitive (without "to") + ED
Examples: (To Love)
I loved He / She / It loved
You loved
We loved
You (plural) loved
They loved
• For denial: AUXILIARY + SUBJECT + VERB + NOT INFINITIVE (without "to")
Example: (To Love)
I did not love
He / She / It didi not love
You did love We did love You (plural) did love
They love didi
- Can we did not substitute for its contracted form, did not.
• To question: AUXILIARY + SUBJECT + verb infinitive (without "to")
Examples: (To Love)
Did I love?
Did you love?
Did he / she / it love?
Did we love?
Did you (plural) love?
Did They Love?
Other examples:
I Learned Inglês. (I learned English).
A few years ago the internet didn't exist. (Some years ago the Internet did not exist).
Did you love your ex-boyfriend? (Did you love your ex-boyfriend?)
We studied by ourselves. (We studied by ourselves).
Did you called to your mother? (Have you called your mother?).
They did read the book? (They read the book?)
He went to my house yesterday. (He went to my house yesterday).
We always visited Our grandmother. (We always visited our grandmother).
I wish you played soccer with us. (I wish you had played football with us.)
• In verbs ending in y preceded by a consonant, change y to ied by. Example: (to study) He Studied (He studied);
• In verbs that end in already, and only adds to d. Ex: (to dance) I danced;
· Verbs have only one syllable and ends in a vowel + consonant, double the last letter before adding ed. Ex: (to stop) They stopped (They stopped);
· Verbs that have more than one syllable, ending in a vowel + consonant and the last is the tonic syllable, double the last letter before adding ed. Ex: (to permit) We permitted (We have allowed);
• There are also irregular verbs that:
a) does not change shape (ATTENTION! The context here is essential to indicate whether the verb is simple present or simple past)
The helper used for negative and interrogative sentences is did.
Prayers in the simple past are usually accompanied by adverbs or adverbial phrases indicating time spent, as yesterday, last + adverb of time (last night, last month, last year) and expressions consist of + adverb of time ago (a year ago, a few hours ago, a month ago.) It can also appear after a few adverbs that function as indicators of the SIMPLE PRESENT (always, never, on weekends), but to indicate a normal occurrence in the past.
The simple past is also used after the expressions as if and as though the verb to wish. In these cases, if the past tense is to be, all persons should be used as Were (including 1. Nd and 3. Person singular).
Its structure is as follows:
• To claim: SUBJECT + verb infinitive (without "to") + ED
Examples: (To Love)
I loved He / She / It loved
You loved
We loved
You (plural) loved
They loved
• For denial: AUXILIARY + SUBJECT + VERB + NOT INFINITIVE (without "to")
Example: (To Love)
I did not love
He / She / It didi not love
You did love We did love You (plural) did love
They love didi
- Can we did not substitute for its contracted form, did not.
• To question: AUXILIARY + SUBJECT + verb infinitive (without "to")
Examples: (To Love)
Did I love?
Did you love?
Did he / she / it love?
Did we love?
Did you (plural) love?
Did They Love?
Other examples:
I Learned Inglês. (I learned English).
A few years ago the internet didn't exist. (Some years ago the Internet did not exist).
Did you love your ex-boyfriend? (Did you love your ex-boyfriend?)
We studied by ourselves. (We studied by ourselves).
Did you called to your mother? (Have you called your mother?).
They did read the book? (They read the book?)
He went to my house yesterday. (He went to my house yesterday).
We always visited Our grandmother. (We always visited our grandmother).
I wish you played soccer with us. (I wish you had played football with us.)
• In verbs ending in y preceded by a consonant, change y to ied by. Example: (to study) He Studied (He studied);
• In verbs that end in already, and only adds to d. Ex: (to dance) I danced;
· Verbs have only one syllable and ends in a vowel + consonant, double the last letter before adding ed. Ex: (to stop) They stopped (They stopped);
· Verbs that have more than one syllable, ending in a vowel + consonant and the last is the tonic syllable, double the last letter before adding ed. Ex: (to permit) We permitted (We have allowed);
• There are also irregular verbs that:
a) does not change shape (ATTENTION! The context here is essential to indicate whether the verb is simple present or simple past)
quinta-feira, 10 de março de 2011
My profile
My name is Rayza, i'm 13 years. At day.
I'm read the labor in house.
My today to prefer is friday, i'm walk
with my dogs.
At late, i'm go a school, my brother always
my to convey a school.
My brithday is on July 30 th.
I dancing at nigth with my father the
my brother.
I like at blog is much musing.
I'm read the labor in house.
My today to prefer is friday, i'm walk
with my dogs.
At late, i'm go a school, my brother always
my to convey a school.
My brithday is on July 30 th.
I dancing at nigth with my father the
my brother.
I like at blog is much musing.
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